Mills KL*, Bennitt E, Zhu K, Bartlam-Brooks HLA, Hubel TY, Wilson AM, Carter NH, Sanders NJ (2024) Dynamic primary resources, not just wild prey availability, underpin lion depredation of livestock in a savanna ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70208
Gonçalves-Souza T, Chaves LS, Boldorini GX, Ferreira N, Gusmão RAF, Perônico B, Teresa FB, Sanders NJ, Reich PB, Maitner B, Umaña MN (2024) Zootraits: An R shiny app for exploring animal trait data for ecological and evolutionary research. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11334
VanValkenberg E**, Gonçalves-Souza T, Sanders NJ, CaraDonna PJ (2024) Sodium-enriched nectar shapes plant–pollinator interactions in a subalpine meadow. Ecology and Evolution 14: e7026 link
Spinella S*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, McLaren JR (2024) Context dependence of warming induced shifts in montane soil microbial functions. Functional Ecology 38: 1199-1209 pdf
Paraskevopoulos AW*, Sanders NJ Resasco J (2024) Temperature-driven homogenization of an ant community over 60 years in a montane ecosystem. Ecology 105:e4302 link
Jing X, Classen AT, Li D, Lin L, Lu M, Sanders NJ, Wang Y, Feng W (2024) The overlooked dimension: soil depth drives microbial community structure and function along a salinity gradient. Ecography e07118 link
Gibb H, Pontos P, Photakis M, Okey I, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Jones MM (2024) Morphological Strategies in Ant Communities along Elevational Gradients in Three Mountain Ranges. Diversity 16:48 pdf
Boldorini GX, McCary MA, Romero GQ, Mills KL, Sanders NJ, Reich PB, Michalko R, Gonçalves-Souza T (In press) Predators are broadly effective at controlling pests and increasing yield in multiple cropping systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 291: 20232522 pdf
Moses J*, Peters MK, Tiede Y, Mottl O, Donoso DA, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Novotny V, Sanders NJ, Klimes P (2023) Nutrient use by tropical ant communities varies among three extensive elevational gradients: a cross continental comparison. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 2212-2219 pdf
Khaliq I, Shahid MJ, Kamran H, Sheraz M, Qurani O, Shabir M, Riaz M, Sanders NJ, Hof C (2023) Role of thermal tolerance in determining elevational distributions in ectotherms. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 2052-2066 pdf
Mills KL*, Belant JL, Beukes M, Dröge E, Everatt KT, Fyumagwa R, Green DS, Hayward MW, Radloff FGT, Spong, G, Suraci, JP, Van der Weyde LK, Wilmers CC, Carter NH, Sanders NJ (2023) Tradeoffs between resources and risks shape large carnivore responses to human disturbance. Communications Biology 6:986 pdf
Gonçalves-Souza T, Chaves LS, Boldorini GX, Ferreira N, Gusmão RAF, Bernardes Perônico, Sanders NJ, Teresa FB (2023) Bringing light into the Rankiæran shortfall: a comprehensive review of traits used in functional animal ecology. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10016 pdf
Sanders NJ, Cooper N, Davis Rabosky AR, Gibson DJ (2023) Editorial: Special Feature on leveraging natural history collections to understand the impacts of global change. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 232-236 pdf
Eckberg J*, Hubbard A**, Smith E**, Schwarz E**, Sanders NJ (2023) The dominant plant species Solidago canadensis structures multiple trophic levels in an old-field ecosystem. Ecosphere 14:e4393 pdf
Keith SA, Hobbs JP, Bostrom-Einarsson L, Hartley IA, Sanders NJ (2023) Rapid resource depletion on coral reefs erodes recognition among competing butterflyfish species. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 290: 2022158 pdf
Gibb H, Bishop TR, Parr CL, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ, Shik JZ, Ibarra-Isassi J, Narendra A, Dunn RR, Wright IJ (2023) Ecological strategies of pl(ant)s: toward a world-wide worker economic spectrum for ants. Functional Ecology 37: 13-25 pdf
Perez A*, Chick L, Menke S, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ, Del Toro I, Sundebo N, Diamond S (2022) Urbanisation dampens the latitudinal diversity cline in ants. Insect Diversity and Conservation 15: 763-771 pdf
Prager CM, Classen AT, Sundqvist MK, Barrios-Garcia MN, Cameron EK, Chen L, Chisholm C, Crowther TW, Deslippe JR, Grigulis K, He J-S, Henning JA, Hovenden M, Høye TT, Jing X, Lavorel S, McLaren JR, Metcalfe DB, Newman G, Rixen C, Read QD, Rewcastle KE, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Wardle DA, Wipf S, Sanders NJ (2022) Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modelling in a distributed network experiment: an example from the WaRM Network. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9396 pdf
Viljur M-L et al. (2022) The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: An ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 97: 1930 – 1947 pdf
Kass J, Guenard B, Dudley K, Jenkins CN, Azuma F, Fisher BL, Parr CL, Gibb H, Longino JT, Ward PS, Chao A, Lubertazzi D, Weiser MD, Jetz W, Guralnick R, Blatrix R, Lauriers JD, Donoso DA, Georgiadis C, Gomez K, Hawkes P, Johnson RA, Lattke J, MacGown JA, Mackay W, Robson S, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Economo EP (2022) The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity. Science Advances 8: eabp9908 pdf
The Global Urban Evolution Project (2022) Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science 375: 1275-1281 pdf
Dewan S, Acharya B, Sanders NJ, Ghatani S (2022) Turnover in butterfly communities and traits along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Himalaya, India. Ecosphere 13:e3984 link
Finkelstein CJ**, CaraDonna P, Gruver A, Welti EAR, Kaspari M, Sanders NJ (2022) Sodium-enriched floral nectar increases pollinator visitation rate and diversity. Biology Letters 19: 20220016 pdf
Larichelière F, Munoz G, Guenard B, Dunn RR, Economo EP, Powell S, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Abouheif E, Lessard JP (2022) Warm and arid regions of the world are hotspots of superorganism complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20211899 pdf
Jing X, Prager C, Chen L, Chu H, Gotelli NJ, He J-S, Yang T, Zhu B, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2022) The influence of aboveground and belowground species composition on spatial turnover in nutrient pools in alpine grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 486-500 pdf
Rewcastle K*, Henning JA, Read QD, Irwin RE, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2022) Plant removal across an elevational gradient marginally reduces rates, substantially reduces variation in mineralization. Ecology 103: e03546 pdf
Sheard JK*, Rahbek C, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Isaac NJB (2021) Long-term trends in the occupancy of ants revealed through use of multisourced data. Biology Letters 17: 1720210240 pdf
Couper LI*, Sanders NJ, Heller NE, Gordon DM (2021) Multi-year drought exacerbates long-term effects of climate on an invasive ant species. Ecology 102: e03476 link
Zhao Y, Sanders NJ, Liu J, Jin T, Zhou H, Lu R, Ding P, Si X (2021) β diversity among ant communities on fragmented habitat islands: the roles of species trait, phylogeny and abundance. Ecography 44: 1568-1578 link
Vecchi M, Adakpo LK, Dunn RR, Nichols LM, Penick CA, Sanders NJ, Rebecchi L, Guidetti R (2021) The toughest animals of the Earth vs global warming: effect of long-term experimental warming on tardigrade community structure. Ecology and Evolution 14: 9856-9863 link
Jing X Prager CM, Borer ET, Chen L, Chu H, Gotelli NJ, Gruner DS, He J-S, Kirkman K, MacDougall A, McCulley R, Prober S, Seabloom EW, Shi Y, Stevens C, Yang T, Zhu B, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2021) Spatial turnover of multiple ecosystem functions is more associated with plant than soil microbial β-diversity. Ecosphere 12: e03644 link
Bager Olsen AT*, Geldman J, Harfoot M, Tittensor DP, Price B, Sinovas P, Nowak K, Sanders NJ, Burgess ND (2021) Thirty-six years of legal and illegal wildlife trade entering the USA. Oryx 55: 432-441 pdf
Fitzgerald JL**, Stuble KL, Nichols LM, Diamond SE, Wentworth TR, Pelini SL, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Penick CA (2021) Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming. Ecosphere 12: e03473 pdf
Prager CM, Jing X, Henning JA, Read QD, Meidl P, Lavorel S, Sanders NJ, Sundqvist MA, Wardle DA, Classen AT (2021) Climate and multiple dimensions of plant diversity regulate ecosystem carbon exchange along an elevational gradient. Ecosphere 12: e03472 pdf
McGlinn DJ, Engel T, Blowes SA, Gotelli NJ, Knight TM, McGill BJ, Sanders NJ, Chase JM (2021) A multiscale framework for disentangling the roles of evenness, density and aggregation on diversity gradients. Ecology 102: e03233 pdf
Chick LD, Lessard J-P, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2020) The coupled influence of thermal physiology and biotic interactions on the distribution and density of ant species along an elevational gradient. Diversity 12:456 pdf
Lessard J-P, Stuble KL, Sanders NJ (2020) Do dominant ants affect secondary productivity, behavior and diversity in a Guild of Woodland Ants? Diversity 12:460 pdf
Jing X, Prager CM, Classen AT, Maestre FT, He J-S, Sanders NJ (2020) Do biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships depend on the number of ecosystem functions? Journal of Plant Ecology 13: 431-441 pdf
Sheard JK, Nelson AS, Berggreen JD, Boulay R, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2020) Trade-offs as a mechanism for coexistence: a test with ants. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1899-1909 pdf
Sundqvist MK, Sanders NJ, Dorrepaal E, Linden E, Metcalfe DB, Newman GS, Olofsson J, Wardle DA, Classen AT (2020) Responses of tundra net ecosystem carbon exchange to warming and dominant species removal at a high and a low elevation. Functional Ecology 34: 1497-1506 pdf
Essl F, Lenzner B, Bacher S, Bailey S, Capinha C, Daehler C, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hui C, Hulme P , Jeschke J, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Leung B, Liebhold A, Chunlong L, MacIsaac H, Meyerson L, Nunez M, Pauchard A, Pysek P, Rabitsch W, Richardson D, Roy H, Ruiz G, Russell J, Sanders N, Sax D, Scalera R, Seebens H, Springborn M, Turbelin A, van Kleunen M, Von Holle B, Winter M, Zenni R, Mattson B, Roura-Pascual N (2020) Drivers of future alien species impacts: an expert-based assessment. Global Change Biology 26:4880-4893 pdf
Welti E, Kuczynski L, Marski K, Sanders NJ, de Beurs K, Kaspari M (2020) Salty, mild, and low plant biomass grasslands increase top-heaviness of invertebrate trophic pyramids. Global Ecology and Biogeography 9: 1474-1485 pdf
Welti ER, Prather RM, Sanders NJ, de Buers K, Kaspari M (2020) Bottom-up when it is not top-down: Predators and plants control biomass of grassland arthropods. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 1286-1294 pdf
Wang H, Liu G, Ma Z, Li Y, Zhang F, Zhao X, Zhao XQ, Jiang L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, He J-S (2020) Alpine grassland plants grow earlier and faster, but biomass remains unchanged under long-term climate change. Ecology Letters 23: 701-710 pdf
Sheard JK, Sanders NJ, Gundlach C, Schär S, Larsen RS (2020) Monitoring the influx of new species through citizen science: The first introduced ant in Denmark. PeerJ 8: e8850 web
Henning J, Read QR, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2019) Fungal colonization of plant roots is resistant to nitrogen addition and resilient to dominant species losses. Ecosphere 10: e02640 web
Suonan J, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, He J-S (2019) Plant phenological sensitivity to climate change is greater on the Tibetan Plateau than in other areas of the world. Ecosphere 10: e02543 web
Welti E, Sanders NJ, de Beurs K, Kaspari M (2019) A distributed experiment demonstrates widespread sodium limitation in grassland food webs. Ecology 100: e02600 web
Lau MK, Ellison AM, Nguyen A, Penick C, DeMarco B, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Helms Cahan S. 2019. Draft Aphaenogaster genomes expand our view of ant genome size variation across climate gradients. PeerJ 7: e6447 web
Meineke E, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, Davies TJ (2019) Herbarium specimens reveal increasing herbivory over the past century. Journal of Ecology 107: 105-117 pdf
Arnan X, Andersen AN, Parr CL, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Angulo E, Baccaro F, Bishop T, Castracani C, Cerda X, Del Toro I, Delsinne T, Donoso, DA, Elten E, Fayle T, Fitzpatrick M, Gomez C, Grasso D, Grossman B, Guenard B, Gunawardene N, Heterick B, Hoffmann B, Janda M, Jenkins C, Klimes P, Lach L, Laeger T, Leponce M, Lucky A, Majer J, Menke SB, Mezger D, Mori A, Moses J, Munyai T, Paknia O, Pfeiffer M, Philpott S, Souza J, Tista M, Vasconcelos H, Retana J (2018) Dominance - diversity relationships in ant communities: a global analysis reveals dominance-impoverishment for invaded communities but dominance-diversification for native communities. Global Change Biology 24: 4614-4625 pdf
Prather R, Roeder K, Sanders NJ, Kaspari M (2018) Using metabolic logic to predict temperature dependent ecosystem activity: a test with prairie ants. Ecology 99: 2113-2121 pdf
Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Arnan X, Vasconcelos HL, Donoso DA, Andersen AN, Silva RR, Bishop TR, Gomez C, Grossman BF, Yusah KM, Luke SH, Pacheco R, Pearce-Duvet J, Retana J, Tista M, Parr CL (2018) Habitat disturbance selects against both small and large species across varying climates. Ecography 41: 1184-1193 pdf
Blume-Werry G, Lindén E, Andresen L, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, von Oppen J, Sundqvist MK (2018) Proportion of fine roots, but not plant biomass allocation belowground, increases with elevation in arctic tundra heath communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 226-235 pdf
Liu H, Mi Z, Lin L, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang F, Wang H, Liu L, Zhu B, Cao G, Zhao X, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Reich PB, He J-S (2018) Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change stabilizes grassland primary production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 4051-4056 pdf
Sheldon KS, Huey RB, Kaspari M, Sanders NJ (2018) 50 years of mountain passes: a perspective on Dan Janzen’s classic paper. The American Naturalist 191: 553-565 pdf
Read QD*, Henning JA*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2018) Aboveground resilience to species loss but below ground resistance to nitrogen addition in montane plant communities. Journal of Plant Ecology 11:351-363 pdf
Alexander J, Chalmandrier L, Lenoir J, Burgess T, Essl F, Halder S, Kueffer C, McDougall K, Milbau A, Nunez MA, Pauchard A, Rabitsch W, Rew L, Sanders NJ, Pellisier L (2018) The pace of alpine plant community change in a warming climate. Global Change Biology 24: 563-579 pdf
Wilson K, Sheldon BC, Galliard JM, Sanders NJ, Hoggart SPG, Newton E (2018) Transparency and open processes in Journal of Animal Ecology. 87:1-3 link
Del Toro I, Berberich GB, Ribbons RR*, Berberich MB, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2017) Nests of red wood ants (Formica rufa-group) are positively associated with tectonic faults: a double-blind test. PeerJ 5:e3903 (link)
Read QD, Henning JA, Sanders NJ (2017) Intraspecific variation in traits reduces ability of trait-based models to predict community structure. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 1070-1081 pdf
Zhao K, Jing X, Sanders NJ, Chen L Hi Y, Flynn DFB, Wang Y, Chu H, Liang W, He J-S (2017) On the controls of abundance for soil-dwelling organisms on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecosphere 8: e01901 pdf
Diamond SE, Chick LD, Penick CA, Nichols LM, Cahan SH, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ (2017) Heat tolerance predicts the importance of species interaction effects as the climate changes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57:112-120 pdf
Boomsma JJ, Brady SG, Dunn RR, Gadau J, Heinze J, Keller L, Moreau CS, Sanders NJ, Schrader L, Schultz TR, Sundström L, Ward PS, Wcislo WT, Zhang G and the GAGA Consortium (2017) The Global Ant Genomics Alliance (GAGA). Myrmecological News 25: 61-66 pdf
Hendershot JN**, Read QR, Henning JA, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2017) Consistently inconsistent drivers of microbial abundance and diversity at macroecological scales. Ecology 98: 1757-1763 pdf
Penick CA, Diamond SE, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2017) Beyond thermal limits: Comprehensive metrics of performance identify key axes of thermal adaptation in ants. Functional Ecology 31: 1091-1100 pdf
Gibb, H, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ… Many others…Parr CL (2017) A global database of ant species abundances. Ecology 98: 883-884
Stuble KL, Juric I, Cerda X, Sanders NJ (2017) Dominance hierarchies are a dominant paradigm in ant ecology, but should they be? And what is a dominance hierarchy anyways? Myrmecological News 24: 71-81 pdf
Parr CL, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Photakis M, Bishop TR, Fitzpatrick MC, Arnan X, Baccaro F, Brandão CRF, Chick L, Donoso, DA, Fayle TM, Gómez C, Grossman B, Munyai TC, Pacheco R, Retana J, Robinson A, Sagata K, Silva RR, Tista M, Vasconcelos H, Yates M, Gibb H (2017) GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insect Diversity and Conservation 10: 5-20 pdf
CaraDonna PJ*, Petry WK*, Brennan RM*, Cunningham JL, Bronstein JL, Waser NM, Sanders NJ (2017) Interaction rewiring and the rapid turnover of plant- pollinator networks. Ecology Letters 20: 385-394 pdf
Kaspari M, Roeder K*, Benson B, Weiser M, Sanders NJ (2017) Sodium co-limits and catalyzes macronutrients in a prairie food web. Ecology 98: 315-320 pdf
Wilson K, Sheldon BC, Gaillard J-M, Sanders NJ, Hoggart SPG, Newton E (2017) Like a rolling stone: the dynamic world of animal ecology publishing. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:1-3 pdf
Mayor JR, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Bardgett, RD, Clement J-C., Fajardo, A. Lavorel, S. Sundqvist, MK, Bahn M, Chisholm C, Cieraad E, Gedelof Z, Griguilis K, Kudo G, Oberski, D, Wardle DA (2017) Elevation alters ecosystem properties across temperate treelines globally. Nature 542: 91-95 pdf
Berberich GM, Dormann C, Klimetzek D, Berberich MB, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2016) Detection probabilities for sessile organisms. Ecosphere 7(11): e01546 pdf
Diamond SE, Nichols, LM, Pelini SL, Penick CA, Barber GW, Cahan SH, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ (2016) Climate warming destabilizes forest ant communities. Science Advances 2: e1600842 pdf
Roura-Pascual N, Sanders NJ, Hui C (2016) The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules? Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 642-654 pdf
Souza L, Zelikova TJ, Sanders NJ (2016) Bottom–up and top–down effects on plant communities: nutrients limit productivity, but insects determine diversity and composition. Oikos 125: 566-575 pdf
Xu X, Wang Z, Rahbek C, Sanders NJ, Fang JY (2016) Geographical variation in the importance of water and energy for oak diversity. Journal of Biogeography 43: 279-288 pdf
Pauchard A, Albihn A, Alexander J, Burgess T, Daehler C, Essl F, Evengard B, Greenwood G, Haider S, Lenoir J, McDougall K, Milbau A, Muths E, Nunez M, Oofsson J, Pellissier L, Rabitsch W, Rew L, Robertson M, Sanders NJ, Kueffer C (2016) Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation. Biological Invasions 18:345-353 pdf
Stanton-Geddes J, Nguyen A, Chick L, Vincent J, Vangala M, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Helms-Cahan S (2016) Thermal reactionomes reveal divergent responses to thermal extremes in warm and cool-climate ant species. BMC Genomics 17:171 pdf
Nogues-Bravo D, Simberloff D, Rahbek C, Sanders NJ (2016) Rewilding is the new Pandora’s box in conservation. Current Biology 26: 87-91 pdf
Sanders NJ (2015) Island biology and the consequences of interspecific interactions. Journal of Biogeography 42: 2255-2256 pdf
Kuebbing SE*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, Simberloff D (2015) Above and belowground effects of plant diversity depend on species origin: an experimental test with multiple invaders. New Phytologist 208: 727-735 pdf
Jing X, Sanders NJ, Shi Y, Chu H, Classen AT, Zhao K, Chen L, Shi Y, Jiang Y, He J-S (2015) The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate. Nature Communications 6:8159 pdf
Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, …39 others…Parr CL (2015) Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society 282: 20150418 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.0418 pdf
Peters MK, Mayr A, Röder J, Sanders NJ, Steffan-Dewenter I (2014) Variation in nutrient use by ant assemblages along an extensive environmental gradient on Mt Kilimanjaro. Journal of Biogeography 41: 2245-2255 pdf
Pelini SL, Diamond SE, Nichols LM, Stuble KL, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Gotelli NJ (2014) Geographic differences in effects of experimental warming on ant species diversity and community composition. Ecosphere 5:125 pdf
Graham CH, Carnaval AC, Roberts TE, Cadena CD, McCain CM, Bowie RCK, Moritz C, Parra JL, Schneider CJ, VanDerWal J, Zamudio KR, Rahbek C, Kozak KH, Sanders NJ (2014) The origin and maintenance of montane biodiversity: integrating evolutionary and ecological processes. Ecography 37: 711-719 pdf
Kuebbing SE*, Souza L, Sanders NJ (2014) Effects of co-occurring non-native invasive plant species on old-field succession. Forest Ecology and Management 324: 196-204 pdf
Fowler D**, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ (2014) Niche filtering rather than partitioning shapes the structure of forest ant communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 943-952 pdf
Bewick B, Stuble KL, Lessard JP, Dunn RR, Adler FR, Sanders NJ (2014) Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant community. Ecology & Evolution 4: 1804-1819 pdf
Resasco J, Porter SD, Sanders NJ, Levey DJ (2014) Testing sodium limitation of fire ants in the field and laboratory. Ecological Entomology 39: 267-271 pdf
Cregger MA, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Classen AT (2014) Microbial communities respond to experimental warming, but site matters. PeerJ 2:e358 pdf
Wright P**, Cregger MA, Souza L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2014) The effects of herbivory, nutrient availability, and plant invasion on community structure and function above- and below-ground. Ecology & Evolution 4: 732-742 pdf
Stuble KL, Patterson CM**, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Ribbons RR*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2014) Ant-mediated seed dispersal in a warmed world. PeerJ 2:e286 pdf
Resasco J, Pelini SL, Stuble KL, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Levey DJ 2(2014) Using historical and experimental data to reveal warming effects on ant assemblages. PLoS One 9:e88029 pdf
Burt MA*, Nichols LM, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2014) Interactions in a warmer world: The relative effects of experimental warming, intraspecific density, and insect herbivory on seedling dynamics. Ecosphere 5:9 pdf
Read QD*, Moorhead LC*, Swenson NJ, Bailey JK, Sanders NJ (2014) Convergent effects of elevation on functional leaf traits within and among species. Functional Ecology 28: 37-45 pdf
Diamond SE, Penick C, Pelini SL, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2013) Using physiology to predict the responses of ants to climatic warming. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: 965-974 pdf
Sundqvist MK, Sanders NJ, Wardle DA (2013) Community and ecosystem responses to elevational gradients: processes, mechanisms, and insights for global change. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44: 261-280 pdf
Stuble KL, Chick LD, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Lessard J-P, Sanders NJ (2013) Fire ants are drivers of biodiversity loss: a reply to King and Tschinkel (2013). Ecological Entomology 38: 540-542 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, Barrios-Garcia MN*, Amico GC, Aizen MA, Sanders NJ (2013) Node-by-node disassembly of a mutualistic network driven by species introductions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110: 16503–16507 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC, Sanders NJ, Normand S, Svennig J-C, Ferrier S, Gove AD, Dunn RR (2013) Environmental and historical imprints on beta diversity: insights from variation in rates of species turnover along gradients. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London (B) 280: 20131201 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.1201 pdf
Crutsinger GM, Gonzalez AL, Crawford KM, Sanders NJ (2013) Local and latitudinal variation in abundance: the mechanisms shaping the distribution of an ecosystem engineer. PeerJ 1: e100 pdf
Stuble KL*, Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, McCormick GL**, Juric I*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2013) Tradeoffs, competition, and coexistence in eastern deciduous forest ant communities. Oecologia 171: 981-992 pdf
Stuble KL*, Pelini SL, Diamond SE, Fowler DA**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2013) Foraging by forest ants under experimental climatic warming: a test at two sites. Ecology and Evolution 3: 482-491 pdf
Stegen JC, Freestone AL, Crist TO, Anderson MJ, Chase JM, Comita LS, Cornell HV, Davies KF, Harrison SP, Hurlbert AH, Inouye BD, Kraft NJB, Myers JA, Sanders NJ, Swenson NG, Vellend M (2013) Stochastic and deterministic drivers of spatial and temporal turnover in breeding bird communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 202-212 pdf
Fang JY, Wang X, Liu Y, Tang Z, White PS, Sanders NJ (2012) Multi-scale patterns of forest structure and species composition in relation to climate in Northeast China. Ecography 35: 1072-1082 pdf
Sanders NJ (2012) Editorial - Biodiversity in China. Ecography 35: 1057-1058 pdf
Pelini SL, Diamond SE, MacLean H, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2012) Common garden experiments reveal uncommon responses across temperatures, geographic origins, and species of ants. Ecology and Evolution 2: 3009-3015 pdf
Diamond SE, Nichols LM, McCoy N, Hirsch C, Pelini S, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Dunn RR (2012) Physiological thermal tolerance outperforms environmental niche models in predicting the responses of ants to climate warming. Ecology 93: 2313-2320 pdf
Patrick MA*, Fowler DA**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) The effects of treefall gap disturbances on litter ant assemblages in a tropical montane cloud forest. Biotropica 44: 472-478 pdf
Breza LC**, Souza L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2012) Within and between population variation in traits predicts ecosystem functions in a dominant plant species. Ecology & Evolution 2: 1151-1161 pdf
Kraft NJB, Sanders NJ, Stegen JC, Anderson MJ, Crist TO, Cornell HV, Vellend M, Chase JM, Comita LS, Davies KF, Freestone AL, Harrison SP, Inouye BD, Myers JA, Swenson NG (2012) Response to Comments on “Disentangling the Drivers of b Diversity Along Latitudinal and Elevational Gradients” Science 335: 1573 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, Stuble KL*, Guenard B*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) Disruption of ant-seed dispersal mutualisms by the invasive Asian needle ant (Pachycondyla chinensis). Biological Invasions 14: 557-565 pdf
Genung MA*, Crutsinger GM, Bailey JK, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2012) Goldenrod genotypic diversity alters patch-level associational susceptibility to aphids. Oecologia 168: 167-174 pdf
Sanders NJ, Rahbek C (2012) The patterns and causes of elevational diversity gradients. Ecography 35: 1-3 pdf
Lessard, JP, Borregaard MK, Fordyce JA, Rahbek C, Weiser MD, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) Strong influence of regional species pools on continent-wide structuring of local communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London 279: 266-274 pdf
Cadena CD, Kozak KH, Gómez JP, Parra JL, McCain C, Bowie RCK, Carnaval AC, Moritz C, Rahbek C, Roberts T, Sanders NJ, Schneider C, VanDerWal J, Zamudio K, Graham CH (2012) Latitude, elevational climatic zonation, and speciation in New World vertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London 279: 194-201 pdf
Toennison TA*, Sanders NJ, Klingeman WE, Vail KM (2011) Influences on the structure of suburban ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) communities and the abundance of Tapinoma sessile. Environmental Entomology 40: 1397-1404 pdf
Souza L, Weston DJ, Sanders NJ, Karve A, Crutsinger GM, Classen AT (2011) Intraspecifc variation in response to warming across levels of organization: a test with Solidago altissima. Ecosphere 2:132 pdf
Acharya BK, Sanders NJ, Vijayan L, Chettri B (2011) Elevational gradients in bird diversity in the Eastern Himalaya: an evaluation of distribution patterns and the underlying mechanisms. PLoSONE 6(12): e29097 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Longino JT, Ferrier S, Dunn RR (2011) Modeling compositional change in ant communities across space and time. Ecography 34: 836-847 pdf
Blue JD*, Souza L, Classen AT, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2011) Soil nitrogen amendments and insect herbivory alter above- and belowground plant biomass in an old-field ecosystem. Oecologia 167: 771-180 pdf
Pelini SP, Bowles FW, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) Heating up the woods: Open-top chamber warming manipulation of arthropod communities at Harvard and Duke forests. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2: 534-540 pdf
Kraft NJB, Comita LS, Chase JM, Sanders NJ, Swenson NG, Crist TO, Stegen JC, Vellend M, Anderson MJ, Cornell HV, Davies KF, Freestone AL, Inouye BD, Harrison SP, Myers JA (2011) Disentangling the drivers of β-diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients. Science 333: 1755-1758 pdf
Souza L*, Bunn WA*, Simberloff D, Lawton M*, Sanders NJ (2011) Biotic and abiotic influences on the native and exotic richness relationship across spatial scales: favorable environments for native species are highly invasible. Functional Ecology 25: 1106-1112 pdf
Souza L*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ (2011) Differential effects of two dominant plant species on community structure and invasibility in an old field ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 123-131 pdf
Sackett TE, Record S, Bewick S, Baiser B, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2011) Response of macroarthropod assemblages to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundational species. Ecosphere 2: 74 pdf
Jenkins CN, Sanders NJ, Andersen AN, Arnan X, Brühl CA, Cerda X, Ellison AE, Fisher BL, Fitzpatrick MC, Gotelli NJ, Gove ad, Guénard B, Lattke JE, Lessard JP, McGlynn TP, Menke SB, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Vasconcelos HL, Weiser ML and Dunn RR (2011) Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants. Diversity and Distributions 17: 652-662 pdf
Gotelli NJ, Ellison AM, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2011) Biodiversity sampling and statistical analysis for myrmecologists. Myrmecological News 15: 13-19 pdf
Machac A*, Janda M, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2011) Elevational gradients in phylogenetic structure of ant communities reveal the interplay of biotic and abiotic constraints on species density. Ecography 34: 364-371 pdf
Pelini SL, Boudreau M, McCoy N, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) Effects of short-term warming on forest ant communities at high and low latitudes. Ecosphere 2(5): 62 pdf
Zelikova TJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) The mixed effects of ants on above and belowground processes in a temperate forest. Ecosphere 2(5): 63 pdf
Stuble KL*, Kirkman LK, Carroll CR, Sanders NJ (2011) Relative effects of disturbance on Red Imported Fire Ants and native ant species in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Conservation Biology 25: 618-622 pdf
Jules ES, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Lillie S, Meindl G, Sanders NJ, Young AN (2011) Influence of fire on a rare serpentine plant assemblage: a 5-year study of Darlingtonia fens. American Journal of Botany 98: 801-811 pdf
Lessard JP*, Sackett TE, Reynolds WR*, Fowler DA**, Sanders NJ (2011) Determinants of the detrital arthropod community structure: the effects of temperature, resources, and environmental gradients. Oikos 320: 333-343 pdf
Souza L*, Bunn WA*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ (2011) Similar biotic factors affect early establishment and abundance of an invasive plant species across spatial scales. Biological Invasions 13: 255-267 pdf
Roura-Pascual NR, Hui C, Ikeda T, Leday G, Richardson DM, Carpintero S, Espadaler X, Gómez C, Guénard B, Hartley S, Krushelnycky P, Lester P, McGeoch MA, Menke SB, Pedersen JS, Pitt J, Reyes J, Sanders NJ, Suarez AV, Touyama Y, Ward D, Ward PS, Worner SP (2011) Global invaders: the role of human and environmental mediators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 220-225 pdf
Anderson MJ, Crist TO, Chase JM, Vellend M, Inouye BD, Freestone AL, Sanders NJ, Cornell HV, Comita LS, Davies KF, Harrison SP, Kraft NJB, Stegen JC, Swenson NG (2011) Navigating the multiple meanings of β diversity: a roadmap for the practicing ecologist. Ecology Letters 14: 19-28 pdf
Sanders NJ (2011) Ants. In: Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species. Edited by Simberloff D, Rejmanek M University of California Press, Berkeley (Invited) pdf
Sackett TE, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2010) Linking soil food web structure to above- and belowground ecosystem processes: a meta-analysis. Oikos 119: 1984-1992 pdf
Weiser MD, Sanders NJ, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Cerdá X, Ellison AM, Fisher BL, Gibb H, Gotelli NJ, Gove AD, Guenard B*, Janda M, Kaspari M, Lessard JP*, Longino JT, Majer JD, Menke SB, McGlynn TP, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Retana J, Suarez AV, Vasconcelos HL, Yanoviak SP, Dunn RR (2010) Canopy and litter ant assemblages share similar climate-species density relationships. Biology Letters 6: 769-772 pdf
Favret C, Duggan JJ, Sanders NJ, Phillippe LR (2010) Actual and inferred checklist of the aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, with attendant ant and host plant associations. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 112: 381-403 pdf
Sanders NJ and Suarez AV (2010) Elton’s insights into the ecology of ant invasions: lessons learned and lessons still to be learned. Pages 239-25 In Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology: The Legacy of Charles Elton Edited by Richardson DM (Invited) pdf
Sanders NJ (2010) Population-level traits that affect, and do not affect, invasion success. Molecular Ecology 19: 1079-1081 pdf
Forister ML, McCall AC, Sanders NJ, Fordyce JA, Thorne JH, O’Brien JO, Waetjen DP, Shapiro AM (2010) Climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 2088-2092 pdf
Hortal J, Roura-Pascual N, Sanders NJ, Rahbek C (2010) Editorial: Understanding (insect) species distributions across spatial scales. Ecography 33: 51-53 pdf
Wittman SE*, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM, Jules, ES, Ratchford JS, Gotelli NJ (2010) Effects of species interactions and thermal constraints on ant community structure. Oikos 119: 551-559 pdf
McCain CE, Sanders NJ (2010) Metabolic theory and elevational diversity of vertebrate ectotherms. Ecology 91: 601-609 pdf
Bunn WA*, Jenkins MA, Brown CB**, Sanders NJ (2010) Temporal change within and among forest communities: the influence of historic disturbance and environmental gradients. Ecography 33: 425-434 pdf
Sanders NJ (2009) Global databases and global ant diversity: it’s about time and space. In Ant Ecology Edited by Lach L, Parr C, and Abbott K (Invited) link
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Guénard B, Weiser MD (2009) Climatic gradients drive patterns of ant diversity and composition at local, regional and global scales. In: Ant Ecology Edited by Lach L, Parr C, and Abbott K (Invited) pdf
Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Fitzpatrick MC, Carlton CE, Pogue MR, Parker CR, Simons TR (2009) A diversity of elevational diversity gradients. In: Data mining for global trends in mountain biodiversity. Edited by Körner C and Spehn E (Invited) pdf
Lessard JP*, Fordyce JA, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ (2009) Invasive species disassemble the phylogenetic structure of ant communities. Ecology 90: 2664-2669 pdf
Belote RT*, Sanders NJ, Jones RH (2009) Disturbance alters local-regional richness relationships in Appalachian forests. Ecology 90: 2940-2947 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2009) Contrasting the effects of intra- and inter-specific variation on litter dynamics. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 535-543 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal M, Stuble KL, Nuñez MA, Sanders NJ (2009) Quantitative analysis of the effects of the exotic Argentine ant on seed dispersal mutualisms. Biology Letters 5: 499-502 pdf
Lessard J-P*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2009) Temperature-mediated coexistence in temperate forest ant communities. Insectes Sociaux 52: 149-156 pdf
Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JA, Rangel TFLVB, Akre SB, Albaladejo RG, Albuquerque FS, Aparicio A, Araújo MB, Baselga A, Beck J, Bellocq MI, Böhning-Gaese K, Borges PAV, Castro-Parga I, Chey VK, Chown SB, De Marco P, Dobkin DS, Ferrer-Castán D, Field R, Filloy J, Fleishman E, Gómez JF, Hortal J, Iverson JB, Kerr JT, Kissling WD, Kitching IJ, León-Cortés JL, Lobo JM, Montoya D, Morales-Castillo I, Moreno JC, Oberdorff T, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Pausas JG, Qian H, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Rueda M, Ruggiero A, Sackmann P, Sanders NJ, Terrible LC, Vetaas OR, Hawkins BA (2009) Parameter estimation in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography 32: 193-204 pdf
Wang X, Fang J, Sanders NJ, White PS, Tang Z (2009) Regional diversity patterns in relation to climate in forests of Northeast China. Ecography 32: 133-142 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Cadotte MW, Sanders NJ (2009) Plant genetics shapes inquiline community structure across spatial scales. Ecology Letters 12: 285-292 pdf
Dunn RR, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Bruhl CA, Cerdá X, Ellison AM, Fisher BL, Fitzpatrick MC, Gibb H, Gotelli NJ, Gove AD, Guenard B, Janda M, Kaspari M, Laurent EJ, Lessard JP, Longino JT, Majer JD, Menke SB, McGlynn TP, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Pfeiffer M, Retana J, Suarez AV, Vasconcelos HL, Weiser MD, Sanders NJ (2009) Climatic drivers of hemispheric asymmetry in global patterns of ant species richness. Ecology Letters 12: 324-333 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Reynolds WN*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2008) Disparate effects of plant genotypic diversity on above- and below-ground communities. Oecologia 158: 65-75 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ, Albrect BR, Abreu IN, Wardle DA (2008) Ecosystem retrogression leads to increased insect abundance and herbivory across an island chronosequence. Functional Ecology 22: 816-823 pdf
Zelikova TJ*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2008) Variation in seed dispersal by ants along an elevational gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Acta Oecologica 34: 155-162 pdf
Nygard JP*, Sanders NJ, Connor EF (2008) The impacts of the invasive Argentine ant and native ant species on the insect community on willow (Salix lasiolepis). Ecological Entomology 33: 789-795 pdf
Simberloff D, Sanders NJ (2008) Response to Nuñez and Crutsinger: A walk in which woods? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:161 (Invited) pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2008) Datasets matter, but so do evolution and ecology: A response to Peterson and Nakazawa. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17: 562-565 pdf
Shryock KA, Brown SL, Sanders NJ, Burroughs E (2008) A reaction-diffusion equation modeling the invasion of the argentine ant population, Linepithema humile, at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Natural Resource Modeling 21: 330-342
Crutsinger GM*, Habenicht MN**, Classen AT, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2008) Galling by Rhopalomyia solidaginis alters architecture of Solidago altissima and affects nutrient dynamics in an old-field ecosystem. Plant and Soil 303: 95-103 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Gove AD, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2008) Climate change, plant migration, and range collapse in a global biodiversity hotspot: The Banksia of Western Australia. Global Change Biology 14: 1337-1352 pdf
Heller NE*, Sanders NJ, Shors JW*, Gordon DM (2008) Rainfall facilitates spread and time diminishes impact of the invasive Argentine ant. Oecologia 155: 385-395 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Collins MD, Fordyce JA, Sanders NJ (2008) Temporal dynamics in non-additive responses of arthropods to host-plant genotypic diversity. Oikos 117: 255-264 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Souza L*, Sanders NJ (2008) Intraspecific diversity as a barrier to plant invasions. Ecology Letters 11: 16-23 pdf
Lessard J-P**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2007) Rarity and diversity in ant assemblages in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1: 215-228 [Invited] pdf
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Fitzpatrick MF*, Laurent E, Lessard J-P* and 22 co-authors. (2007) Global ant biodiversity and biogeography – a new database and its possibilities. Myrmecological News 10: 77-83 pdf
Geraghty MJ**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2007) Bergmann’s rule in ants: are patterns along latitudinal and elevational gradients congruent? Myrmecological News 10: 51-58 pdf
Crawford KM**, Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ (2007) Genotypic diversity mediates the distribution of an ecosystem engineer. Ecology 88: 2114-2120 pdf
Hawkins BA, Araújo, MB, Cabrero-Sañudo FJ, Diniz-Filho JAF, Ferrer-Castán D, Field R, Gómez JF, Hortal J, Kerr JT, Lobo JM, Montoya D, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Pausas JG, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Sanders NJ, Suzart de Albuquerque F, Williams P (2007) A global evaluation of Metabolic Theory as an explanation of diversity gradients. Ecology 88: 1877-1888 pdf
Hawkins BA, Diniz-Filho JAF, Bini LM, Araujo MB, Field R, Hortal J, Kerr JT, Rahbek C, Rodriguez MA, Sanders NJ (2007) Metabolic theory and diversity gradients: where do we go from here? Ecology 88: 1898-1902 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Wittman SE*, Ratchford JS, Ellison AM, Jules ES (2007) Assembly rules for ant communities across spatial scales and habitats. Journal of Biogeography 34: 1632-1641 pdf
Sanders NJ, Lessard J-P**, Dunn RR, Fitzpatrick MC* (2007) Temperature, but not productivity or geometry, predicts elevational diversity gradients in ants across spatial grains. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 640-649 pdf
Palladini JD*, Sanders NJ, Jones MG*, Jules ES (2007) The recovery of ant communities in regenerating temperate coniferous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 242: 619-624 pdf
Sanders NJ, Crutsinger GM*, Dunn RR, Majer JD, Delabie JHC (2007) An ant mosaic revisited: dominant ant species disassemble arboreal ant communities but co-occur randomly. Biotropica 39: 422-427 pdf
Dunn RR, Parker C, Sanders NJ (2007) Null models and temporal patterns of diversity: assessing the biotic and abiotic controls on ant community structure. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 191-201 pdf
Dunn RR, McCain CE, Sanders NJ (2007) When does a null model explain diversity?: Scale and range size mediate the mid-domain effect. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 305-312 pdf
Dunn RR, Parker C, Geraghty M**, Sanders NJ (2007) Reproductive phenologies in a diverse temperature ant fauna. Ecological Entomology 32: 135-142 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2007) The biogeography of prediction error: Why doesn’t the introduced range of the fire ant predict its native range or vice versa? Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 24-33 pdf
Sanders NJ, Weltzin JF, Crutsinger GM*, Fitzpatrick MC*, Nuñez MA*, Oswalt CM**, Lane KE* (2007) Multiple controls on a plant invasion: Insects mediate the interactive effects of propagule supply and resource availability. Ecology 88: 2383-2391 pdf
Hellmann JJ, Sanders NJ (2007) The patterns of and threats against global insect diversity. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology Pages 32-54. pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Collins MD*, Fordyce JA, Gompert Z*, Nice CC, Sanders NJ (2006) Genotypic diversity predicts community structure and governs an ecosystem process. Science 313: 966-968 pdf
Heller NE*, Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2006) Linking temporal and spatial scales in the study of an Argentine ant invasion. Biological Invasions 8: 501-507 pdf
Ratchford JS*, Wittman SE*, Jules ES, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ (2005) The effects of fire, local environment, and time on ant assemblages in fens and forests. Diversity and Distributions 11: 487-497 pdf
Crutsinger GM**, Sanders NJ (2005) Aphid-tending ants affect secondary users in leaf shelters and rates of herbivory on Salix hookeriana in a coastal dune habitat. American Midland Naturalist 152: 296-304 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2004) The interactive effects of climate, life history, and interspecific neighbors on mortality in a population of seed harvester ants. Ecological Entomology 29: 632-637 pdf
Sanders NJ, Belote RT*, Weltzin JF (2004) Multi-trophic effects of elevated CO2 on understory plant and arthropod communities. Environmental Entomology 33: 1609-1616 pdf
Sanders NJ (2004) Immediate effects of fire on the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile. The Southwestern Naturalist 49: 246-250 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Heller NE*, Gordon DM (2003) Community disassembly by an invasive ant species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100: 2474-2477 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2003) Resource-dependent interactions and the organization of desert ant communities. Ecology 84: 1024-1031 pdf
Sanders NJ, Moss J**, Wagner D (2003) Patterns of ant species richness along elevational gradients in an arid ecosystem. Global Ecology and Biogeography 12: 93-102 pdf
Weltzin JF, Belote RT*, Sanders NJ (2003) Biological invaders in a greenhouse world: will elevated CO2 fuel plant invasions? Frontiers in Ecology the Environment 1:146:153 pdf
Barton KE**, Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2002) The effects of proximity and colony age on interspecific interference competition between the desert ants Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Aphaenogaster cockerelli. American Midland Naturalist 148: 176-182 pdf
Sanders NJ (2002) Elevational gradients in ant distributions: area, species richness, and Rapoport's rule. Ecography 25: 25-32 pdf
Collins MD*, Vasquez DP*, Sanders NJ (2002) Species-area curves, homogenization, and the loss of diversity. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4: 457-464 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2002) Resources and the flexible allocation of work in the desert ant, Aphaenogaster cockerelli. Insectes Sociaux 49: 371-379 pdf
Sanders NJ, Barton KE**, Gordon DM (2001) Long-term dynamics of the distribution of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant taxa in Northern California. Oecologia 127: 123-130 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2000) The effects of interspecific interactions on resource use and behavior in a desert ant. Oecologia 125: 436-443 pdf
Mills KL*, Bennitt E, Zhu K, Bartlam-Brooks HLA, Hubel TY, Wilson AM, Carter NH, Sanders NJ (2024) Dynamic primary resources, not just wild prey availability, underpin lion depredation of livestock in a savanna ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70208
Gonçalves-Souza T, Chaves LS, Boldorini GX, Ferreira N, Gusmão RAF, Perônico B, Teresa FB, Sanders NJ, Reich PB, Maitner B, Umaña MN (2024) Zootraits: An R shiny app for exploring animal trait data for ecological and evolutionary research. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11334
VanValkenberg E**, Gonçalves-Souza T, Sanders NJ, CaraDonna PJ (2024) Sodium-enriched nectar shapes plant–pollinator interactions in a subalpine meadow. Ecology and Evolution 14: e7026 link
Spinella S*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, McLaren JR (2024) Context dependence of warming induced shifts in montane soil microbial functions. Functional Ecology 38: 1199-1209 pdf
Paraskevopoulos AW*, Sanders NJ Resasco J (2024) Temperature-driven homogenization of an ant community over 60 years in a montane ecosystem. Ecology 105:e4302 link
Jing X, Classen AT, Li D, Lin L, Lu M, Sanders NJ, Wang Y, Feng W (2024) The overlooked dimension: soil depth drives microbial community structure and function along a salinity gradient. Ecography e07118 link
Gibb H, Pontos P, Photakis M, Okey I, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Jones MM (2024) Morphological Strategies in Ant Communities along Elevational Gradients in Three Mountain Ranges. Diversity 16:48 pdf
Boldorini GX, McCary MA, Romero GQ, Mills KL, Sanders NJ, Reich PB, Michalko R, Gonçalves-Souza T (In press) Predators are broadly effective at controlling pests and increasing yield in multiple cropping systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 291: 20232522 pdf
Moses J*, Peters MK, Tiede Y, Mottl O, Donoso DA, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Novotny V, Sanders NJ, Klimes P (2023) Nutrient use by tropical ant communities varies among three extensive elevational gradients: a cross continental comparison. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 2212-2219 pdf
Khaliq I, Shahid MJ, Kamran H, Sheraz M, Qurani O, Shabir M, Riaz M, Sanders NJ, Hof C (2023) Role of thermal tolerance in determining elevational distributions in ectotherms. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 2052-2066 pdf
Mills KL*, Belant JL, Beukes M, Dröge E, Everatt KT, Fyumagwa R, Green DS, Hayward MW, Radloff FGT, Spong, G, Suraci, JP, Van der Weyde LK, Wilmers CC, Carter NH, Sanders NJ (2023) Tradeoffs between resources and risks shape large carnivore responses to human disturbance. Communications Biology 6:986 pdf
Gonçalves-Souza T, Chaves LS, Boldorini GX, Ferreira N, Gusmão RAF, Bernardes Perônico, Sanders NJ, Teresa FB (2023) Bringing light into the Rankiæran shortfall: a comprehensive review of traits used in functional animal ecology. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10016 pdf
Sanders NJ, Cooper N, Davis Rabosky AR, Gibson DJ (2023) Editorial: Special Feature on leveraging natural history collections to understand the impacts of global change. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 232-236 pdf
Eckberg J*, Hubbard A**, Smith E**, Schwarz E**, Sanders NJ (2023) The dominant plant species Solidago canadensis structures multiple trophic levels in an old-field ecosystem. Ecosphere 14:e4393 pdf
Keith SA, Hobbs JP, Bostrom-Einarsson L, Hartley IA, Sanders NJ (2023) Rapid resource depletion on coral reefs erodes recognition among competing butterflyfish species. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 290: 2022158 pdf
Gibb H, Bishop TR, Parr CL, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ, Shik JZ, Ibarra-Isassi J, Narendra A, Dunn RR, Wright IJ (2023) Ecological strategies of pl(ant)s: toward a world-wide worker economic spectrum for ants. Functional Ecology 37: 13-25 pdf
Perez A*, Chick L, Menke S, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ, Del Toro I, Sundebo N, Diamond S (2022) Urbanisation dampens the latitudinal diversity cline in ants. Insect Diversity and Conservation 15: 763-771 pdf
Prager CM, Classen AT, Sundqvist MK, Barrios-Garcia MN, Cameron EK, Chen L, Chisholm C, Crowther TW, Deslippe JR, Grigulis K, He J-S, Henning JA, Hovenden M, Høye TT, Jing X, Lavorel S, McLaren JR, Metcalfe DB, Newman G, Rixen C, Read QD, Rewcastle KE, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Wardle DA, Wipf S, Sanders NJ (2022) Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modelling in a distributed network experiment: an example from the WaRM Network. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9396 pdf
Viljur M-L et al. (2022) The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: An ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 97: 1930 – 1947 pdf
Kass J, Guenard B, Dudley K, Jenkins CN, Azuma F, Fisher BL, Parr CL, Gibb H, Longino JT, Ward PS, Chao A, Lubertazzi D, Weiser MD, Jetz W, Guralnick R, Blatrix R, Lauriers JD, Donoso DA, Georgiadis C, Gomez K, Hawkes P, Johnson RA, Lattke J, MacGown JA, Mackay W, Robson S, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Economo EP (2022) The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity. Science Advances 8: eabp9908 pdf
The Global Urban Evolution Project (2022) Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science 375: 1275-1281 pdf
Dewan S, Acharya B, Sanders NJ, Ghatani S (2022) Turnover in butterfly communities and traits along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Himalaya, India. Ecosphere 13:e3984 link
Finkelstein CJ**, CaraDonna P, Gruver A, Welti EAR, Kaspari M, Sanders NJ (2022) Sodium-enriched floral nectar increases pollinator visitation rate and diversity. Biology Letters 19: 20220016 pdf
Larichelière F, Munoz G, Guenard B, Dunn RR, Economo EP, Powell S, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Abouheif E, Lessard JP (2022) Warm and arid regions of the world are hotspots of superorganism complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20211899 pdf
Jing X, Prager C, Chen L, Chu H, Gotelli NJ, He J-S, Yang T, Zhu B, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2022) The influence of aboveground and belowground species composition on spatial turnover in nutrient pools in alpine grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 486-500 pdf
Rewcastle K*, Henning JA, Read QD, Irwin RE, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2022) Plant removal across an elevational gradient marginally reduces rates, substantially reduces variation in mineralization. Ecology 103: e03546 pdf
Sheard JK*, Rahbek C, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Isaac NJB (2021) Long-term trends in the occupancy of ants revealed through use of multisourced data. Biology Letters 17: 1720210240 pdf
Couper LI*, Sanders NJ, Heller NE, Gordon DM (2021) Multi-year drought exacerbates long-term effects of climate on an invasive ant species. Ecology 102: e03476 link
Zhao Y, Sanders NJ, Liu J, Jin T, Zhou H, Lu R, Ding P, Si X (2021) β diversity among ant communities on fragmented habitat islands: the roles of species trait, phylogeny and abundance. Ecography 44: 1568-1578 link
Vecchi M, Adakpo LK, Dunn RR, Nichols LM, Penick CA, Sanders NJ, Rebecchi L, Guidetti R (2021) The toughest animals of the Earth vs global warming: effect of long-term experimental warming on tardigrade community structure. Ecology and Evolution 14: 9856-9863 link
Jing X Prager CM, Borer ET, Chen L, Chu H, Gotelli NJ, Gruner DS, He J-S, Kirkman K, MacDougall A, McCulley R, Prober S, Seabloom EW, Shi Y, Stevens C, Yang T, Zhu B, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2021) Spatial turnover of multiple ecosystem functions is more associated with plant than soil microbial β-diversity. Ecosphere 12: e03644 link
Bager Olsen AT*, Geldman J, Harfoot M, Tittensor DP, Price B, Sinovas P, Nowak K, Sanders NJ, Burgess ND (2021) Thirty-six years of legal and illegal wildlife trade entering the USA. Oryx 55: 432-441 pdf
Fitzgerald JL**, Stuble KL, Nichols LM, Diamond SE, Wentworth TR, Pelini SL, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Penick CA (2021) Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming. Ecosphere 12: e03473 pdf
Prager CM, Jing X, Henning JA, Read QD, Meidl P, Lavorel S, Sanders NJ, Sundqvist MA, Wardle DA, Classen AT (2021) Climate and multiple dimensions of plant diversity regulate ecosystem carbon exchange along an elevational gradient. Ecosphere 12: e03472 pdf
McGlinn DJ, Engel T, Blowes SA, Gotelli NJ, Knight TM, McGill BJ, Sanders NJ, Chase JM (2021) A multiscale framework for disentangling the roles of evenness, density and aggregation on diversity gradients. Ecology 102: e03233 pdf
Chick LD, Lessard J-P, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2020) The coupled influence of thermal physiology and biotic interactions on the distribution and density of ant species along an elevational gradient. Diversity 12:456 pdf
Lessard J-P, Stuble KL, Sanders NJ (2020) Do dominant ants affect secondary productivity, behavior and diversity in a Guild of Woodland Ants? Diversity 12:460 pdf
Jing X, Prager CM, Classen AT, Maestre FT, He J-S, Sanders NJ (2020) Do biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships depend on the number of ecosystem functions? Journal of Plant Ecology 13: 431-441 pdf
Sheard JK, Nelson AS, Berggreen JD, Boulay R, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2020) Trade-offs as a mechanism for coexistence: a test with ants. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1899-1909 pdf
Sundqvist MK, Sanders NJ, Dorrepaal E, Linden E, Metcalfe DB, Newman GS, Olofsson J, Wardle DA, Classen AT (2020) Responses of tundra net ecosystem carbon exchange to warming and dominant species removal at a high and a low elevation. Functional Ecology 34: 1497-1506 pdf
Essl F, Lenzner B, Bacher S, Bailey S, Capinha C, Daehler C, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hui C, Hulme P , Jeschke J, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Leung B, Liebhold A, Chunlong L, MacIsaac H, Meyerson L, Nunez M, Pauchard A, Pysek P, Rabitsch W, Richardson D, Roy H, Ruiz G, Russell J, Sanders N, Sax D, Scalera R, Seebens H, Springborn M, Turbelin A, van Kleunen M, Von Holle B, Winter M, Zenni R, Mattson B, Roura-Pascual N (2020) Drivers of future alien species impacts: an expert-based assessment. Global Change Biology 26:4880-4893 pdf
Welti E, Kuczynski L, Marski K, Sanders NJ, de Beurs K, Kaspari M (2020) Salty, mild, and low plant biomass grasslands increase top-heaviness of invertebrate trophic pyramids. Global Ecology and Biogeography 9: 1474-1485 pdf
Welti ER, Prather RM, Sanders NJ, de Buers K, Kaspari M (2020) Bottom-up when it is not top-down: Predators and plants control biomass of grassland arthropods. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 1286-1294 pdf
Wang H, Liu G, Ma Z, Li Y, Zhang F, Zhao X, Zhao XQ, Jiang L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, He J-S (2020) Alpine grassland plants grow earlier and faster, but biomass remains unchanged under long-term climate change. Ecology Letters 23: 701-710 pdf
Sheard JK, Sanders NJ, Gundlach C, Schär S, Larsen RS (2020) Monitoring the influx of new species through citizen science: The first introduced ant in Denmark. PeerJ 8: e8850 web
Henning J, Read QR, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2019) Fungal colonization of plant roots is resistant to nitrogen addition and resilient to dominant species losses. Ecosphere 10: e02640 web
Suonan J, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, He J-S (2019) Plant phenological sensitivity to climate change is greater on the Tibetan Plateau than in other areas of the world. Ecosphere 10: e02543 web
Welti E, Sanders NJ, de Beurs K, Kaspari M (2019) A distributed experiment demonstrates widespread sodium limitation in grassland food webs. Ecology 100: e02600 web
Lau MK, Ellison AM, Nguyen A, Penick C, DeMarco B, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Helms Cahan S. 2019. Draft Aphaenogaster genomes expand our view of ant genome size variation across climate gradients. PeerJ 7: e6447 web
Meineke E, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, Davies TJ (2019) Herbarium specimens reveal increasing herbivory over the past century. Journal of Ecology 107: 105-117 pdf
Arnan X, Andersen AN, Parr CL, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Angulo E, Baccaro F, Bishop T, Castracani C, Cerda X, Del Toro I, Delsinne T, Donoso, DA, Elten E, Fayle T, Fitzpatrick M, Gomez C, Grasso D, Grossman B, Guenard B, Gunawardene N, Heterick B, Hoffmann B, Janda M, Jenkins C, Klimes P, Lach L, Laeger T, Leponce M, Lucky A, Majer J, Menke SB, Mezger D, Mori A, Moses J, Munyai T, Paknia O, Pfeiffer M, Philpott S, Souza J, Tista M, Vasconcelos H, Retana J (2018) Dominance - diversity relationships in ant communities: a global analysis reveals dominance-impoverishment for invaded communities but dominance-diversification for native communities. Global Change Biology 24: 4614-4625 pdf
Prather R, Roeder K, Sanders NJ, Kaspari M (2018) Using metabolic logic to predict temperature dependent ecosystem activity: a test with prairie ants. Ecology 99: 2113-2121 pdf
Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Arnan X, Vasconcelos HL, Donoso DA, Andersen AN, Silva RR, Bishop TR, Gomez C, Grossman BF, Yusah KM, Luke SH, Pacheco R, Pearce-Duvet J, Retana J, Tista M, Parr CL (2018) Habitat disturbance selects against both small and large species across varying climates. Ecography 41: 1184-1193 pdf
Blume-Werry G, Lindén E, Andresen L, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, von Oppen J, Sundqvist MK (2018) Proportion of fine roots, but not plant biomass allocation belowground, increases with elevation in arctic tundra heath communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 226-235 pdf
Liu H, Mi Z, Lin L, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang F, Wang H, Liu L, Zhu B, Cao G, Zhao X, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Reich PB, He J-S (2018) Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change stabilizes grassland primary production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 4051-4056 pdf
Sheldon KS, Huey RB, Kaspari M, Sanders NJ (2018) 50 years of mountain passes: a perspective on Dan Janzen’s classic paper. The American Naturalist 191: 553-565 pdf
Read QD*, Henning JA*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2018) Aboveground resilience to species loss but below ground resistance to nitrogen addition in montane plant communities. Journal of Plant Ecology 11:351-363 pdf
Alexander J, Chalmandrier L, Lenoir J, Burgess T, Essl F, Halder S, Kueffer C, McDougall K, Milbau A, Nunez MA, Pauchard A, Rabitsch W, Rew L, Sanders NJ, Pellisier L (2018) The pace of alpine plant community change in a warming climate. Global Change Biology 24: 563-579 pdf
Wilson K, Sheldon BC, Galliard JM, Sanders NJ, Hoggart SPG, Newton E (2018) Transparency and open processes in Journal of Animal Ecology. 87:1-3 link
Del Toro I, Berberich GB, Ribbons RR*, Berberich MB, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2017) Nests of red wood ants (Formica rufa-group) are positively associated with tectonic faults: a double-blind test. PeerJ 5:e3903 (link)
Read QD, Henning JA, Sanders NJ (2017) Intraspecific variation in traits reduces ability of trait-based models to predict community structure. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 1070-1081 pdf
Zhao K, Jing X, Sanders NJ, Chen L Hi Y, Flynn DFB, Wang Y, Chu H, Liang W, He J-S (2017) On the controls of abundance for soil-dwelling organisms on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecosphere 8: e01901 pdf
Diamond SE, Chick LD, Penick CA, Nichols LM, Cahan SH, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ (2017) Heat tolerance predicts the importance of species interaction effects as the climate changes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57:112-120 pdf
Boomsma JJ, Brady SG, Dunn RR, Gadau J, Heinze J, Keller L, Moreau CS, Sanders NJ, Schrader L, Schultz TR, Sundström L, Ward PS, Wcislo WT, Zhang G and the GAGA Consortium (2017) The Global Ant Genomics Alliance (GAGA). Myrmecological News 25: 61-66 pdf
Hendershot JN**, Read QR, Henning JA, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2017) Consistently inconsistent drivers of microbial abundance and diversity at macroecological scales. Ecology 98: 1757-1763 pdf
Penick CA, Diamond SE, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2017) Beyond thermal limits: Comprehensive metrics of performance identify key axes of thermal adaptation in ants. Functional Ecology 31: 1091-1100 pdf
Gibb, H, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ… Many others…Parr CL (2017) A global database of ant species abundances. Ecology 98: 883-884
Stuble KL, Juric I, Cerda X, Sanders NJ (2017) Dominance hierarchies are a dominant paradigm in ant ecology, but should they be? And what is a dominance hierarchy anyways? Myrmecological News 24: 71-81 pdf
Parr CL, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Photakis M, Bishop TR, Fitzpatrick MC, Arnan X, Baccaro F, Brandão CRF, Chick L, Donoso, DA, Fayle TM, Gómez C, Grossman B, Munyai TC, Pacheco R, Retana J, Robinson A, Sagata K, Silva RR, Tista M, Vasconcelos H, Yates M, Gibb H (2017) GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insect Diversity and Conservation 10: 5-20 pdf
CaraDonna PJ*, Petry WK*, Brennan RM*, Cunningham JL, Bronstein JL, Waser NM, Sanders NJ (2017) Interaction rewiring and the rapid turnover of plant- pollinator networks. Ecology Letters 20: 385-394 pdf
Kaspari M, Roeder K*, Benson B, Weiser M, Sanders NJ (2017) Sodium co-limits and catalyzes macronutrients in a prairie food web. Ecology 98: 315-320 pdf
Wilson K, Sheldon BC, Gaillard J-M, Sanders NJ, Hoggart SPG, Newton E (2017) Like a rolling stone: the dynamic world of animal ecology publishing. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:1-3 pdf
Mayor JR, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Bardgett, RD, Clement J-C., Fajardo, A. Lavorel, S. Sundqvist, MK, Bahn M, Chisholm C, Cieraad E, Gedelof Z, Griguilis K, Kudo G, Oberski, D, Wardle DA (2017) Elevation alters ecosystem properties across temperate treelines globally. Nature 542: 91-95 pdf
Berberich GM, Dormann C, Klimetzek D, Berberich MB, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2016) Detection probabilities for sessile organisms. Ecosphere 7(11): e01546 pdf
Diamond SE, Nichols, LM, Pelini SL, Penick CA, Barber GW, Cahan SH, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ (2016) Climate warming destabilizes forest ant communities. Science Advances 2: e1600842 pdf
Roura-Pascual N, Sanders NJ, Hui C (2016) The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules? Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 642-654 pdf
Souza L, Zelikova TJ, Sanders NJ (2016) Bottom–up and top–down effects on plant communities: nutrients limit productivity, but insects determine diversity and composition. Oikos 125: 566-575 pdf
Xu X, Wang Z, Rahbek C, Sanders NJ, Fang JY (2016) Geographical variation in the importance of water and energy for oak diversity. Journal of Biogeography 43: 279-288 pdf
Pauchard A, Albihn A, Alexander J, Burgess T, Daehler C, Essl F, Evengard B, Greenwood G, Haider S, Lenoir J, McDougall K, Milbau A, Muths E, Nunez M, Oofsson J, Pellissier L, Rabitsch W, Rew L, Robertson M, Sanders NJ, Kueffer C (2016) Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation. Biological Invasions 18:345-353 pdf
Stanton-Geddes J, Nguyen A, Chick L, Vincent J, Vangala M, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Helms-Cahan S (2016) Thermal reactionomes reveal divergent responses to thermal extremes in warm and cool-climate ant species. BMC Genomics 17:171 pdf
Nogues-Bravo D, Simberloff D, Rahbek C, Sanders NJ (2016) Rewilding is the new Pandora’s box in conservation. Current Biology 26: 87-91 pdf
Sanders NJ (2015) Island biology and the consequences of interspecific interactions. Journal of Biogeography 42: 2255-2256 pdf
Kuebbing SE*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ, Simberloff D (2015) Above and belowground effects of plant diversity depend on species origin: an experimental test with multiple invaders. New Phytologist 208: 727-735 pdf
Jing X, Sanders NJ, Shi Y, Chu H, Classen AT, Zhao K, Chen L, Shi Y, Jiang Y, He J-S (2015) The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate. Nature Communications 6:8159 pdf
Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, …39 others…Parr CL (2015) Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society 282: 20150418 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.0418 pdf
Peters MK, Mayr A, Röder J, Sanders NJ, Steffan-Dewenter I (2014) Variation in nutrient use by ant assemblages along an extensive environmental gradient on Mt Kilimanjaro. Journal of Biogeography 41: 2245-2255 pdf
Pelini SL, Diamond SE, Nichols LM, Stuble KL, Ellison AM, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Gotelli NJ (2014) Geographic differences in effects of experimental warming on ant species diversity and community composition. Ecosphere 5:125 pdf
Graham CH, Carnaval AC, Roberts TE, Cadena CD, McCain CM, Bowie RCK, Moritz C, Parra JL, Schneider CJ, VanDerWal J, Zamudio KR, Rahbek C, Kozak KH, Sanders NJ (2014) The origin and maintenance of montane biodiversity: integrating evolutionary and ecological processes. Ecography 37: 711-719 pdf
Kuebbing SE*, Souza L, Sanders NJ (2014) Effects of co-occurring non-native invasive plant species on old-field succession. Forest Ecology and Management 324: 196-204 pdf
Fowler D**, Lessard JP, Sanders NJ (2014) Niche filtering rather than partitioning shapes the structure of forest ant communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 943-952 pdf
Bewick B, Stuble KL, Lessard JP, Dunn RR, Adler FR, Sanders NJ (2014) Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant community. Ecology & Evolution 4: 1804-1819 pdf
Resasco J, Porter SD, Sanders NJ, Levey DJ (2014) Testing sodium limitation of fire ants in the field and laboratory. Ecological Entomology 39: 267-271 pdf
Cregger MA, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Classen AT (2014) Microbial communities respond to experimental warming, but site matters. PeerJ 2:e358 pdf
Wright P**, Cregger MA, Souza L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2014) The effects of herbivory, nutrient availability, and plant invasion on community structure and function above- and below-ground. Ecology & Evolution 4: 732-742 pdf
Stuble KL, Patterson CM**, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Ribbons RR*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2014) Ant-mediated seed dispersal in a warmed world. PeerJ 2:e286 pdf
Resasco J, Pelini SL, Stuble KL, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Levey DJ 2(2014) Using historical and experimental data to reveal warming effects on ant assemblages. PLoS One 9:e88029 pdf
Burt MA*, Nichols LM, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2014) Interactions in a warmer world: The relative effects of experimental warming, intraspecific density, and insect herbivory on seedling dynamics. Ecosphere 5:9 pdf
Read QD*, Moorhead LC*, Swenson NJ, Bailey JK, Sanders NJ (2014) Convergent effects of elevation on functional leaf traits within and among species. Functional Ecology 28: 37-45 pdf
Diamond SE, Penick C, Pelini SL, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2013) Using physiology to predict the responses of ants to climatic warming. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: 965-974 pdf
Sundqvist MK, Sanders NJ, Wardle DA (2013) Community and ecosystem responses to elevational gradients: processes, mechanisms, and insights for global change. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44: 261-280 pdf
Stuble KL, Chick LD, Rodriguez-Cabal MA, Lessard J-P, Sanders NJ (2013) Fire ants are drivers of biodiversity loss: a reply to King and Tschinkel (2013). Ecological Entomology 38: 540-542 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, Barrios-Garcia MN*, Amico GC, Aizen MA, Sanders NJ (2013) Node-by-node disassembly of a mutualistic network driven by species introductions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110: 16503–16507 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC, Sanders NJ, Normand S, Svennig J-C, Ferrier S, Gove AD, Dunn RR (2013) Environmental and historical imprints on beta diversity: insights from variation in rates of species turnover along gradients. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London (B) 280: 20131201 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.1201 pdf
Crutsinger GM, Gonzalez AL, Crawford KM, Sanders NJ (2013) Local and latitudinal variation in abundance: the mechanisms shaping the distribution of an ecosystem engineer. PeerJ 1: e100 pdf
Stuble KL*, Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, McCormick GL**, Juric I*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2013) Tradeoffs, competition, and coexistence in eastern deciduous forest ant communities. Oecologia 171: 981-992 pdf
Stuble KL*, Pelini SL, Diamond SE, Fowler DA**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2013) Foraging by forest ants under experimental climatic warming: a test at two sites. Ecology and Evolution 3: 482-491 pdf
Stegen JC, Freestone AL, Crist TO, Anderson MJ, Chase JM, Comita LS, Cornell HV, Davies KF, Harrison SP, Hurlbert AH, Inouye BD, Kraft NJB, Myers JA, Sanders NJ, Swenson NG, Vellend M (2013) Stochastic and deterministic drivers of spatial and temporal turnover in breeding bird communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 202-212 pdf
Fang JY, Wang X, Liu Y, Tang Z, White PS, Sanders NJ (2012) Multi-scale patterns of forest structure and species composition in relation to climate in Northeast China. Ecography 35: 1072-1082 pdf
Sanders NJ (2012) Editorial - Biodiversity in China. Ecography 35: 1057-1058 pdf
Pelini SL, Diamond SE, MacLean H, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2012) Common garden experiments reveal uncommon responses across temperatures, geographic origins, and species of ants. Ecology and Evolution 2: 3009-3015 pdf
Diamond SE, Nichols LM, McCoy N, Hirsch C, Pelini S, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Dunn RR (2012) Physiological thermal tolerance outperforms environmental niche models in predicting the responses of ants to climate warming. Ecology 93: 2313-2320 pdf
Patrick MA*, Fowler DA**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) The effects of treefall gap disturbances on litter ant assemblages in a tropical montane cloud forest. Biotropica 44: 472-478 pdf
Breza LC**, Souza L, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2012) Within and between population variation in traits predicts ecosystem functions in a dominant plant species. Ecology & Evolution 2: 1151-1161 pdf
Kraft NJB, Sanders NJ, Stegen JC, Anderson MJ, Crist TO, Cornell HV, Vellend M, Chase JM, Comita LS, Davies KF, Freestone AL, Harrison SP, Inouye BD, Myers JA, Swenson NG (2012) Response to Comments on “Disentangling the Drivers of b Diversity Along Latitudinal and Elevational Gradients” Science 335: 1573 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal MA*, Stuble KL*, Guenard B*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) Disruption of ant-seed dispersal mutualisms by the invasive Asian needle ant (Pachycondyla chinensis). Biological Invasions 14: 557-565 pdf
Genung MA*, Crutsinger GM, Bailey JK, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2012) Goldenrod genotypic diversity alters patch-level associational susceptibility to aphids. Oecologia 168: 167-174 pdf
Sanders NJ, Rahbek C (2012) The patterns and causes of elevational diversity gradients. Ecography 35: 1-3 pdf
Lessard, JP, Borregaard MK, Fordyce JA, Rahbek C, Weiser MD, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2012) Strong influence of regional species pools on continent-wide structuring of local communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London 279: 266-274 pdf
Cadena CD, Kozak KH, Gómez JP, Parra JL, McCain C, Bowie RCK, Carnaval AC, Moritz C, Rahbek C, Roberts T, Sanders NJ, Schneider C, VanDerWal J, Zamudio K, Graham CH (2012) Latitude, elevational climatic zonation, and speciation in New World vertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London 279: 194-201 pdf
Toennison TA*, Sanders NJ, Klingeman WE, Vail KM (2011) Influences on the structure of suburban ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) communities and the abundance of Tapinoma sessile. Environmental Entomology 40: 1397-1404 pdf
Souza L, Weston DJ, Sanders NJ, Karve A, Crutsinger GM, Classen AT (2011) Intraspecifc variation in response to warming across levels of organization: a test with Solidago altissima. Ecosphere 2:132 pdf
Acharya BK, Sanders NJ, Vijayan L, Chettri B (2011) Elevational gradients in bird diversity in the Eastern Himalaya: an evaluation of distribution patterns and the underlying mechanisms. PLoSONE 6(12): e29097 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC, Sanders NJ, Weiser MD, Longino JT, Ferrier S, Dunn RR (2011) Modeling compositional change in ant communities across space and time. Ecography 34: 836-847 pdf
Blue JD*, Souza L, Classen AT, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2011) Soil nitrogen amendments and insect herbivory alter above- and belowground plant biomass in an old-field ecosystem. Oecologia 167: 771-180 pdf
Pelini SP, Bowles FW, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) Heating up the woods: Open-top chamber warming manipulation of arthropod communities at Harvard and Duke forests. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2: 534-540 pdf
Kraft NJB, Comita LS, Chase JM, Sanders NJ, Swenson NG, Crist TO, Stegen JC, Vellend M, Anderson MJ, Cornell HV, Davies KF, Freestone AL, Inouye BD, Harrison SP, Myers JA (2011) Disentangling the drivers of β-diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients. Science 333: 1755-1758 pdf
Souza L*, Bunn WA*, Simberloff D, Lawton M*, Sanders NJ (2011) Biotic and abiotic influences on the native and exotic richness relationship across spatial scales: favorable environments for native species are highly invasible. Functional Ecology 25: 1106-1112 pdf
Souza L*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ (2011) Differential effects of two dominant plant species on community structure and invasibility in an old field ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 123-131 pdf
Sackett TE, Record S, Bewick S, Baiser B, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM (2011) Response of macroarthropod assemblages to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundational species. Ecosphere 2: 74 pdf
Jenkins CN, Sanders NJ, Andersen AN, Arnan X, Brühl CA, Cerda X, Ellison AE, Fisher BL, Fitzpatrick MC, Gotelli NJ, Gove ad, Guénard B, Lattke JE, Lessard JP, McGlynn TP, Menke SB, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Vasconcelos HL, Weiser ML and Dunn RR (2011) Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants. Diversity and Distributions 17: 652-662 pdf
Gotelli NJ, Ellison AM, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2011) Biodiversity sampling and statistical analysis for myrmecologists. Myrmecological News 15: 13-19 pdf
Machac A*, Janda M, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2011) Elevational gradients in phylogenetic structure of ant communities reveal the interplay of biotic and abiotic constraints on species density. Ecography 34: 364-371 pdf
Pelini SL, Boudreau M, McCoy N, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) Effects of short-term warming on forest ant communities at high and low latitudes. Ecosphere 2(5): 62 pdf
Zelikova TJ, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2011) The mixed effects of ants on above and belowground processes in a temperate forest. Ecosphere 2(5): 63 pdf
Stuble KL*, Kirkman LK, Carroll CR, Sanders NJ (2011) Relative effects of disturbance on Red Imported Fire Ants and native ant species in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Conservation Biology 25: 618-622 pdf
Jules ES, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Lillie S, Meindl G, Sanders NJ, Young AN (2011) Influence of fire on a rare serpentine plant assemblage: a 5-year study of Darlingtonia fens. American Journal of Botany 98: 801-811 pdf
Lessard JP*, Sackett TE, Reynolds WR*, Fowler DA**, Sanders NJ (2011) Determinants of the detrital arthropod community structure: the effects of temperature, resources, and environmental gradients. Oikos 320: 333-343 pdf
Souza L*, Bunn WA*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ (2011) Similar biotic factors affect early establishment and abundance of an invasive plant species across spatial scales. Biological Invasions 13: 255-267 pdf
Roura-Pascual NR, Hui C, Ikeda T, Leday G, Richardson DM, Carpintero S, Espadaler X, Gómez C, Guénard B, Hartley S, Krushelnycky P, Lester P, McGeoch MA, Menke SB, Pedersen JS, Pitt J, Reyes J, Sanders NJ, Suarez AV, Touyama Y, Ward D, Ward PS, Worner SP (2011) Global invaders: the role of human and environmental mediators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 220-225 pdf
Anderson MJ, Crist TO, Chase JM, Vellend M, Inouye BD, Freestone AL, Sanders NJ, Cornell HV, Comita LS, Davies KF, Harrison SP, Kraft NJB, Stegen JC, Swenson NG (2011) Navigating the multiple meanings of β diversity: a roadmap for the practicing ecologist. Ecology Letters 14: 19-28 pdf
Sanders NJ (2011) Ants. In: Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species. Edited by Simberloff D, Rejmanek M University of California Press, Berkeley (Invited) pdf
Sackett TE, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2010) Linking soil food web structure to above- and belowground ecosystem processes: a meta-analysis. Oikos 119: 1984-1992 pdf
Weiser MD, Sanders NJ, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Cerdá X, Ellison AM, Fisher BL, Gibb H, Gotelli NJ, Gove AD, Guenard B*, Janda M, Kaspari M, Lessard JP*, Longino JT, Majer JD, Menke SB, McGlynn TP, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Retana J, Suarez AV, Vasconcelos HL, Yanoviak SP, Dunn RR (2010) Canopy and litter ant assemblages share similar climate-species density relationships. Biology Letters 6: 769-772 pdf
Favret C, Duggan JJ, Sanders NJ, Phillippe LR (2010) Actual and inferred checklist of the aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, with attendant ant and host plant associations. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 112: 381-403 pdf
Sanders NJ and Suarez AV (2010) Elton’s insights into the ecology of ant invasions: lessons learned and lessons still to be learned. Pages 239-25 In Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology: The Legacy of Charles Elton Edited by Richardson DM (Invited) pdf
Sanders NJ (2010) Population-level traits that affect, and do not affect, invasion success. Molecular Ecology 19: 1079-1081 pdf
Forister ML, McCall AC, Sanders NJ, Fordyce JA, Thorne JH, O’Brien JO, Waetjen DP, Shapiro AM (2010) Climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 2088-2092 pdf
Hortal J, Roura-Pascual N, Sanders NJ, Rahbek C (2010) Editorial: Understanding (insect) species distributions across spatial scales. Ecography 33: 51-53 pdf
Wittman SE*, Sanders NJ, Ellison AM, Jules, ES, Ratchford JS, Gotelli NJ (2010) Effects of species interactions and thermal constraints on ant community structure. Oikos 119: 551-559 pdf
McCain CE, Sanders NJ (2010) Metabolic theory and elevational diversity of vertebrate ectotherms. Ecology 91: 601-609 pdf
Bunn WA*, Jenkins MA, Brown CB**, Sanders NJ (2010) Temporal change within and among forest communities: the influence of historic disturbance and environmental gradients. Ecography 33: 425-434 pdf
Sanders NJ (2009) Global databases and global ant diversity: it’s about time and space. In Ant Ecology Edited by Lach L, Parr C, and Abbott K (Invited) link
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Guénard B, Weiser MD (2009) Climatic gradients drive patterns of ant diversity and composition at local, regional and global scales. In: Ant Ecology Edited by Lach L, Parr C, and Abbott K (Invited) pdf
Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Fitzpatrick MC, Carlton CE, Pogue MR, Parker CR, Simons TR (2009) A diversity of elevational diversity gradients. In: Data mining for global trends in mountain biodiversity. Edited by Körner C and Spehn E (Invited) pdf
Lessard JP*, Fordyce JA, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ (2009) Invasive species disassemble the phylogenetic structure of ant communities. Ecology 90: 2664-2669 pdf
Belote RT*, Sanders NJ, Jones RH (2009) Disturbance alters local-regional richness relationships in Appalachian forests. Ecology 90: 2940-2947 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ, Classen AT (2009) Contrasting the effects of intra- and inter-specific variation on litter dynamics. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 535-543 pdf
Rodriguez-Cabal M, Stuble KL, Nuñez MA, Sanders NJ (2009) Quantitative analysis of the effects of the exotic Argentine ant on seed dispersal mutualisms. Biology Letters 5: 499-502 pdf
Lessard J-P*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2009) Temperature-mediated coexistence in temperate forest ant communities. Insectes Sociaux 52: 149-156 pdf
Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JA, Rangel TFLVB, Akre SB, Albaladejo RG, Albuquerque FS, Aparicio A, Araújo MB, Baselga A, Beck J, Bellocq MI, Böhning-Gaese K, Borges PAV, Castro-Parga I, Chey VK, Chown SB, De Marco P, Dobkin DS, Ferrer-Castán D, Field R, Filloy J, Fleishman E, Gómez JF, Hortal J, Iverson JB, Kerr JT, Kissling WD, Kitching IJ, León-Cortés JL, Lobo JM, Montoya D, Morales-Castillo I, Moreno JC, Oberdorff T, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Pausas JG, Qian H, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Rueda M, Ruggiero A, Sackmann P, Sanders NJ, Terrible LC, Vetaas OR, Hawkins BA (2009) Parameter estimation in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography 32: 193-204 pdf
Wang X, Fang J, Sanders NJ, White PS, Tang Z (2009) Regional diversity patterns in relation to climate in forests of Northeast China. Ecography 32: 133-142 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Cadotte MW, Sanders NJ (2009) Plant genetics shapes inquiline community structure across spatial scales. Ecology Letters 12: 285-292 pdf
Dunn RR, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Bruhl CA, Cerdá X, Ellison AM, Fisher BL, Fitzpatrick MC, Gibb H, Gotelli NJ, Gove AD, Guenard B, Janda M, Kaspari M, Laurent EJ, Lessard JP, Longino JT, Majer JD, Menke SB, McGlynn TP, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Pfeiffer M, Retana J, Suarez AV, Vasconcelos HL, Weiser MD, Sanders NJ (2009) Climatic drivers of hemispheric asymmetry in global patterns of ant species richness. Ecology Letters 12: 324-333 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Reynolds WN*, Classen AT, Sanders NJ (2008) Disparate effects of plant genotypic diversity on above- and below-ground communities. Oecologia 158: 65-75 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ, Albrect BR, Abreu IN, Wardle DA (2008) Ecosystem retrogression leads to increased insect abundance and herbivory across an island chronosequence. Functional Ecology 22: 816-823 pdf
Zelikova TJ*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2008) Variation in seed dispersal by ants along an elevational gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Acta Oecologica 34: 155-162 pdf
Nygard JP*, Sanders NJ, Connor EF (2008) The impacts of the invasive Argentine ant and native ant species on the insect community on willow (Salix lasiolepis). Ecological Entomology 33: 789-795 pdf
Simberloff D, Sanders NJ (2008) Response to Nuñez and Crutsinger: A walk in which woods? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:161 (Invited) pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2008) Datasets matter, but so do evolution and ecology: A response to Peterson and Nakazawa. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17: 562-565 pdf
Shryock KA, Brown SL, Sanders NJ, Burroughs E (2008) A reaction-diffusion equation modeling the invasion of the argentine ant population, Linepithema humile, at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Natural Resource Modeling 21: 330-342
Crutsinger GM*, Habenicht MN**, Classen AT, Schweitzer JA, Sanders NJ (2008) Galling by Rhopalomyia solidaginis alters architecture of Solidago altissima and affects nutrient dynamics in an old-field ecosystem. Plant and Soil 303: 95-103 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Gove AD, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2008) Climate change, plant migration, and range collapse in a global biodiversity hotspot: The Banksia of Western Australia. Global Change Biology 14: 1337-1352 pdf
Heller NE*, Sanders NJ, Shors JW*, Gordon DM (2008) Rainfall facilitates spread and time diminishes impact of the invasive Argentine ant. Oecologia 155: 385-395 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Collins MD, Fordyce JA, Sanders NJ (2008) Temporal dynamics in non-additive responses of arthropods to host-plant genotypic diversity. Oikos 117: 255-264 pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Souza L*, Sanders NJ (2008) Intraspecific diversity as a barrier to plant invasions. Ecology Letters 11: 16-23 pdf
Lessard J-P**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2007) Rarity and diversity in ant assemblages in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Southeastern Naturalist Special Issue 1: 215-228 [Invited] pdf
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Fitzpatrick MF*, Laurent E, Lessard J-P* and 22 co-authors. (2007) Global ant biodiversity and biogeography – a new database and its possibilities. Myrmecological News 10: 77-83 pdf
Geraghty MJ**, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ (2007) Bergmann’s rule in ants: are patterns along latitudinal and elevational gradients congruent? Myrmecological News 10: 51-58 pdf
Crawford KM**, Crutsinger GM*, Sanders NJ (2007) Genotypic diversity mediates the distribution of an ecosystem engineer. Ecology 88: 2114-2120 pdf
Hawkins BA, Araújo, MB, Cabrero-Sañudo FJ, Diniz-Filho JAF, Ferrer-Castán D, Field R, Gómez JF, Hortal J, Kerr JT, Lobo JM, Montoya D, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Pausas JG, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Sanders NJ, Suzart de Albuquerque F, Williams P (2007) A global evaluation of Metabolic Theory as an explanation of diversity gradients. Ecology 88: 1877-1888 pdf
Hawkins BA, Diniz-Filho JAF, Bini LM, Araujo MB, Field R, Hortal J, Kerr JT, Rahbek C, Rodriguez MA, Sanders NJ (2007) Metabolic theory and diversity gradients: where do we go from here? Ecology 88: 1898-1902 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Wittman SE*, Ratchford JS, Ellison AM, Jules ES (2007) Assembly rules for ant communities across spatial scales and habitats. Journal of Biogeography 34: 1632-1641 pdf
Sanders NJ, Lessard J-P**, Dunn RR, Fitzpatrick MC* (2007) Temperature, but not productivity or geometry, predicts elevational diversity gradients in ants across spatial grains. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 640-649 pdf
Palladini JD*, Sanders NJ, Jones MG*, Jules ES (2007) The recovery of ant communities in regenerating temperate coniferous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 242: 619-624 pdf
Sanders NJ, Crutsinger GM*, Dunn RR, Majer JD, Delabie JHC (2007) An ant mosaic revisited: dominant ant species disassemble arboreal ant communities but co-occur randomly. Biotropica 39: 422-427 pdf
Dunn RR, Parker C, Sanders NJ (2007) Null models and temporal patterns of diversity: assessing the biotic and abiotic controls on ant community structure. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 191-201 pdf
Dunn RR, McCain CE, Sanders NJ (2007) When does a null model explain diversity?: Scale and range size mediate the mid-domain effect. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 305-312 pdf
Dunn RR, Parker C, Geraghty M**, Sanders NJ (2007) Reproductive phenologies in a diverse temperature ant fauna. Ecological Entomology 32: 135-142 pdf
Fitzpatrick MC*, Weltzin JF, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR (2007) The biogeography of prediction error: Why doesn’t the introduced range of the fire ant predict its native range or vice versa? Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 24-33 pdf
Sanders NJ, Weltzin JF, Crutsinger GM*, Fitzpatrick MC*, Nuñez MA*, Oswalt CM**, Lane KE* (2007) Multiple controls on a plant invasion: Insects mediate the interactive effects of propagule supply and resource availability. Ecology 88: 2383-2391 pdf
Hellmann JJ, Sanders NJ (2007) The patterns of and threats against global insect diversity. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology Pages 32-54. pdf
Crutsinger GM*, Collins MD*, Fordyce JA, Gompert Z*, Nice CC, Sanders NJ (2006) Genotypic diversity predicts community structure and governs an ecosystem process. Science 313: 966-968 pdf
Heller NE*, Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2006) Linking temporal and spatial scales in the study of an Argentine ant invasion. Biological Invasions 8: 501-507 pdf
Ratchford JS*, Wittman SE*, Jules ES, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, Sanders NJ (2005) The effects of fire, local environment, and time on ant assemblages in fens and forests. Diversity and Distributions 11: 487-497 pdf
Crutsinger GM**, Sanders NJ (2005) Aphid-tending ants affect secondary users in leaf shelters and rates of herbivory on Salix hookeriana in a coastal dune habitat. American Midland Naturalist 152: 296-304 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2004) The interactive effects of climate, life history, and interspecific neighbors on mortality in a population of seed harvester ants. Ecological Entomology 29: 632-637 pdf
Sanders NJ, Belote RT*, Weltzin JF (2004) Multi-trophic effects of elevated CO2 on understory plant and arthropod communities. Environmental Entomology 33: 1609-1616 pdf
Sanders NJ (2004) Immediate effects of fire on the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile. The Southwestern Naturalist 49: 246-250 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gotelli NJ, Heller NE*, Gordon DM (2003) Community disassembly by an invasive ant species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100: 2474-2477 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2003) Resource-dependent interactions and the organization of desert ant communities. Ecology 84: 1024-1031 pdf
Sanders NJ, Moss J**, Wagner D (2003) Patterns of ant species richness along elevational gradients in an arid ecosystem. Global Ecology and Biogeography 12: 93-102 pdf
Weltzin JF, Belote RT*, Sanders NJ (2003) Biological invaders in a greenhouse world: will elevated CO2 fuel plant invasions? Frontiers in Ecology the Environment 1:146:153 pdf
Barton KE**, Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2002) The effects of proximity and colony age on interspecific interference competition between the desert ants Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Aphaenogaster cockerelli. American Midland Naturalist 148: 176-182 pdf
Sanders NJ (2002) Elevational gradients in ant distributions: area, species richness, and Rapoport's rule. Ecography 25: 25-32 pdf
Collins MD*, Vasquez DP*, Sanders NJ (2002) Species-area curves, homogenization, and the loss of diversity. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4: 457-464 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2002) Resources and the flexible allocation of work in the desert ant, Aphaenogaster cockerelli. Insectes Sociaux 49: 371-379 pdf
Sanders NJ, Barton KE**, Gordon DM (2001) Long-term dynamics of the distribution of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant taxa in Northern California. Oecologia 127: 123-130 pdf
Sanders NJ, Gordon DM (2000) The effects of interspecific interactions on resource use and behavior in a desert ant. Oecologia 125: 436-443 pdf